Start Selling on Hi-Fly

Customers are waiting for your products!

How to become a seller

Apply for Approval
Fill in our form for a new vendors. Provide your shop Name, Address and Menu

Add Your Items
List your items in our shop directory. Procide detailed photos and description.
Get Orders
Once a customer interested in your items, you will get a notification about a new order you can ship.
Get Payments
Get payments instantly by a client with QR, cash or crypto. We don’t collect payments from customers.

Frequently asked questions from our sellers

Do I have weekly specials or sales on my products?

Yes, you can set up daily, weekly and monthly sales depending on your desired timetable.

Do you offer promotions featuring discounts, coupons, or gift cards?

Eliminate concerns about coupons; sellers have the autonomy to craft compelling coupons, discounts, and notifications independently, whether during sales or off-season. Sellers can establish coupon expiry dates and set restrictions. Allow them to manage their discounts seamlessly on their own, freeing you from the hassle.

Do I have Live stats on my sales?

Sellers get access to dedicated or separate dashboards, facilitating effortless management of product inventory, sales, top-performing products, orders, discounts, and other crucial aspects. In simpler terms, you can conveniently access a comprehensive summary of all transactions directly from your dashboards.

Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?

No, you don’t need to connect a bank account or online payment options.

Want to become a Seller?

Cannabis delivery in Thailand made easy. Hi-Fly connects you with weed dispensaries near you.


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