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室内花生酱 100 克 砖块装



花生酱,有时也被称为花生酱气息,是一种均衡的混合菌株,以其浓郁、坚果味和泥土味而闻名。花生酱以 100 克砖包装的形式提供 1 公斤购买,非常适合那些寻求兼具风味、效力和多功能性的优质菌株的人。

Peanut Butter Characteristics

  • 类型: 平衡混合 (50% 印度大麻 / 50% 苜蓿)
  • THC 含量: 18%
  • 效果:放松、困倦、饥饿
  • 风味简介: 坚果味、泥土味、草本味、松树味
  • 主要萜烯: 柠檬烯,带有石竹烯和月桂烯的香气
送货 ⏱️
曼谷: 1小时🛵
泰国: 1-2天🚚

Peanut Butter, often referred to as Peanut Butter Breath, is a balanced hybrid born from the flavorful union of Dosidos and Mendo Breath. This strain captivates the senses with its rich, nutty aroma layered with earthy and herbal nuances. Its flavor profile is just as enticing, delivering a smooth pine-infused nuttiness that leaves a delightful aftertaste.

Peanut Butter’s effects strike a harmonious balance, beginning with a wave of uplifting euphoria that gradually flows into a soothing, full-body calm. It’s an excellent choice for those seeking relaxation without the heaviness of full sedation, making it versatile for both social gatherings and quiet evenings. On the medicinal side, this strain is often turned to for relief from chronic pain, stress, and insomnia.

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