永久性记号笔 BX1 | 异国风情尺寸| |10克|


(1 客户评论)

Permanent Marker BX1 offers a balanced high, perfect for both relaxation and uplifting effects and talkative.
It features a distinctive, lingering taste with a soapy funk, complemented by subtle hints of candy and floral gas.

类型: 杂交种
THC 含量: 26%
风味简介: Tobacco, Ammonia, Pungent, Chemical.
影响: Talkative, Relaxing, Tingly.

送货 ⏱️
曼谷: 1小时🛵
泰国: 1-2天🚚

Permanent Marker BX1 Permanent Marker BX1 is a contemporary cannabis strain introduced by Los Angeles indie brand Doja Exclusive in 2022, available on both coasts. Developed and cultivated by Seed Junky Genetics’ JBeezy and selected by Doja Pak, this strain is a hybrid of several renowned cultivars: (Biscotti x Sherb Bx) x Jealousy. The strain delivers a complex aroma profile, combining floral, soapy, candy, and gassy notes, which are mirrored in its flavor. It features a distinctive, lingering taste with a soapy funk, complemented by subtle hints of candy and floral gas. Known for its potency, Permanent Marker BX1 enhances creativity and promotes relaxation during the day, often leading to increased appetite and a desire for more. Available now for purchase in Bangkok.

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