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100K Indica 100 克砖装



100k is an indica-dominant hybrid strain created by Exotic Genetix, known for its calming and relaxing properties. This strain is a cross between 白松露 和 红润茨,以100克砖块形式供应。

100k Characteristics

  • 类型: 籼稻显性杂交种
  • THC 含量: 18%
  • 主要萜烯: 月桂烯,以及蒎烯和蛇麻烯等辅助萜烯。
送货 ⏱️
曼谷: 1小时🛵
泰国: 1-2天🚚

100K is a hybrid cannabis strain leaning towards indica, bred by Exotic Genetix through the cross of White Truffles and Red Runtz. With THC levels ranging between 24% and 28%, this strain delivers a powerful and long-lasting high, making it a favorite among experienced consumers.

The aroma of 100K is a rich combination of vanilla, cinnamon, citrus, and pine, creating a complex and enjoyable bouquet. These distinctive characteristics are attributed to its terpene profile, which includes Caryophyllene, Linalool, and Humulene.

The effects of 100K are multifaceted, beginning with an uplifted mood, enhanced creativity, and improved focus, making it well-suited for artistic pursuits or tasks requiring mental clarity. As the high progresses, it transitions into a calming state, offering stress relief and mood elevation, making it particularly effective for evening use.


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