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Endgame 室内 100 克 砖块



End Game is a balanced hybrid strain bred by Ethos Genetics, celebrated for its potent effects and distinct flavor profile. This bricked strain combines Cherry Punch and Ethos Cookies, resulting in a robust mix of sweet, creamy, and citrusy notes balanced with skunky and gassy undertones.

Endgame Characteristics:

  • 类型: 平衡混合
  • THC 含量: 17%
  • 效果: 精神振奋,欣快,精力充沛
  • 香气: 甜,果味,有气泡
  • 主要萜烯: 月桂烯,带有柠檬烯和石竹烯的香气
送货 ⏱️
曼谷: 1小时🛵
泰国: 1-2天🚚

End Game is a powerhouse strain renowned for its bold flavor and potent effects. It greets the senses with a luscious berry-forward aroma, enriched by smooth creamy and zesty citrus undertones, all rounded out with a robust skunky, gassy finish. Perfect for connoisseurs, it offers a complex and satisfying flavor experience.

The effects of End Game start with an energizing wave of cerebral euphoria, sparking creativity and mood elevation. As the high progresses, it gently shifts into a deeply soothing state of relaxation, making it an ideal choice for unwinding after a long day.

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