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Guava Berry 3.5g Pack



Guava Berry is a premium indica-dominant hybrid strain with THC levels around 29%. It offers a sweet tropical guava and berry flavor profile with sour citrus and spicy kush undertones, delivering relaxing and euphoric effects ideal for stress relief and relaxation.

  • 类型: 印度大麻显性杂交品种 (60% 印度大麻 / 40% 苜蓿大麻)
  • 遗传学: Afghani x Chemdog
  • THC 含量: Approximately 29%
  • 风味简介: Sweet tropical guava, berries, sour citrus, spicy kush
  • 影响: 放松、欣快、平静
送货 ⏱️
芭堤雅: 1 hour
泰国: 1-2天🚚

Guava Berry is a slightly indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain resulting from the cross of Afghani and Chemdog strains. This combination yields a strain celebrated for its delightful flavor and balanced effects.

The flavor profile of Guava Berry is rich and complex, featuring sweet tropical guava and berry notes complemented by sour citrus and spicy kush undertones. This creates a pleasant taste experience that appeals to cannabis enthusiasts.

With THC levels typically around 29%, Guava Berry delivers effects that promote relaxation and euphoria. Users often report a calming experience, making it suitable for stress relief and unwinding after a long day.

In summary, Guava Berry stands out as a premium indica-dominant hybrid strain, offering a distinctive flavor profile and balanced effects that cater to those seeking a soothing and enjoyable cannabis experience.

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