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RS11 雪花钻石 | 1 公斤杂草包


年级异域风情 5A

白雪(雪钻) 是一种完美平衡的混合大麻(50% 大麻,50% 大麻),THC 含量高达 47%。其甜美、泥土和柑橘味与其强大的功效相得益彰,既能让人放松又能让人精神振奋。非常适合寻求强烈而愉悦的体验的老用户。

  • 四氢大麻酚(THC): 47%
  • 效果: 深度放松,头脑清晰,欣快
  • 口味: 甜美、泥土、柑橘味
  • 萜烯: 石竹烯、柠檬烯、月桂烯


送货 ⏱️
泰国: 1-2天🚚

RS11 Snow Diamond, is a powerful hybrid strain that truly stands out with its frosty, trichome-packed buds. This balanced hybrid offers the perfect combination of uplifting mental effects and soothing physical relaxation. Its flavor profile blends sweet, earthy undertones with a touch of citrus, delivering a smooth and refreshing smoking experience. With effects that last for hours, White Snow is versatile enough to enhance your focus during the day or help you relax in the evening. Whether you need a mental boost or a calm, soothing high, this strain has you covered.

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对于泰国境内运送至其他地区,自订单之日起最多需要 2 天才能送达。可以通过银行转账或加密货币付款。

订单金额超过 2000 泰铢即可享受免费送货服务。订单金额低于此金额的订单,送货费按市场平均价格收取。

🤝 在 Nawamin 自取

🛵 曼谷 Grab、Lalamove、Lineman 送货上门

🚚 邮寄 50 ฿ 曼谷 1-3 天,其他城市 2-4 天

🌊 (旅游区邮费、岛屿区邮费) 60-120฿

泰国大麻配送变得简单。Hi-Fly 可为您联系附近的大麻药房。


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